
Belowwehavelistedthetopmostpopularbabynamesbyyear,ascalculatedfromthenamesaddedtoourusers'favoritenamelists.,OliviaandLiamwereAmerica'smostpopularnamesforbabygirlsandboysin2020,accordingtotheSocialSecurityAdministration'sannual ...,Onthesocialandpoliticalfronts,Kamala(up104%)andLiberty(up12%)roseinpopularity,whileKarenandChaddeclinedby13%and12%respectively.,Therewasareshuffleatthetopofthechart...

Most Popular Baby Names of 2020

Below we have listed the top most popular baby names by year, as calculated from the names added to our users' favorite name lists.

2020's most popular baby names certainly look familiar

Olivia and Liam were America's most popular names for baby girls and boys in 2020, according to the Social Security Administration's annual ...

Most popular baby names of 2020

On the social and political fronts, Kamala (up 104%) and Liberty (up 12%) rose in popularity, while Karen and Chad declined by 13% and 12% respectively.

Most popular baby names of 2020

There was a reshuffle at the top of the chart this year, with Sophia claiming the top spot, Olivia dropping to second and Amelia climbing from fourth to third ...

Top baby names in 2020 across England and Wales revealed

Official birth data in England and Wales for 2020 showed Olivia and Oliver were still the most popular baby names overall - for the fifth year ...

Babies' Names 2020 Tables

Top 100 babies' names registered in 2020, in order of popularity, with corresponding rank between 2019 and 2020.

Our top baby names of 2020

Top Girl Names · Charlotte · Olivia · Sophia · Amelia · Avery · Evelyn · Emma · Lucy; Ava; Isla. Top Boy Names. Theodore; Henry; William; Oliver ...

Baby names in England and Wales: 2020

Oliver and Olivia were the most popular baby names in 2020 across England and Wales. Oliver has remained at the top for the past eight years.

Popular Baby Names

1, Liam, Olivia ; 2, Noah, Emma ; 3, Oliver, Charlotte ; 4, James, Amelia.

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